Masuk Robotics was created on February 15, 2011, by Willam McDoungh
Our coach is Willam McDonough. He is a CTE teacher at Masuk High School. He teaches many classes in our high school including a range of programming and robotics classes. He has also been head referee at many of our local competitions. He is assisted by many volunteer parents who we would like to thank for all their hard work!
As an organization our goal is to be a leader in stem education, We hope to inspire children and educate them on engineering and robotics.

Welcome to the Masuk Robotics website! This site Represents all 9 high school teams that currently compete at Masuk High School. This many teams make Masuk the largest VEX program in New England! We are located in the small town of Monroe, CT. We hope to give our town a name by showing that robotics is a great growing and learning experience, and becoming a role model for tech education in schools everywhere!